“Often we are found in our grief and comforted,
calmed by some kindness,
brought alive again by beauty
that catches us undefended.
Even when the sun is most thin and far,
even at the hour the storm is at its height,
we can go through . . .
Love, do not let us go.”
What is Spiritual Counseling?
Spiritual counseling (also called spiritual guidance, spiritual companionship, or spiritual direction) explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. Spiritual counseling helps people tell and find meaning in their sacred stories. It helps people to discern their path through the world, to seek justice and healing, and to treat themselves and others with compassion.
Spiritual counselors:
· support people on their spiritual journeys through life.
· are welcoming and present, listening and responding without being judgmental.
· honor silence when it comes.
· recognize the agency of the people they counsel.
· are intuitive spiritual companions—accountable and compassionate, open and accepting, loving yet independent.
Why work with a spiritual counselor?
They offer deep listening which helps people find and follow their own spiritual path.
They ask insightful, open-ended questions that help people connect with their authentic selves.
They allow space for stillness and silence to help people become aware of what is deep within them.
They build trust and openness by being authentic, kind, and open themselves.
They don’t proselytize or seek to persuade, but instead accompany people on their individual and unique spiritual journeys.
They honor the free will and discernment of each person.
They offer a mirror to those they companion so they may more clearly see their own wholeness.
They invite the unfolding of a deeper relationship with self, others, and spirit.
“To be aware of the wonder and enchantment of the world, its astonishing creatures and complex interactions, and to be aware simultaneously of the remarkably rapid destruction of almost every living system, is to take on a burden of grief that is almost unbearable.”
Climate Counseling
Climate change not only devastates ecosystems, economies, and communities. It also breaks our hearts, invades our dreams, and troubles our souls. As we become more fully aware of climate disruption, environmental injustice, and mass extinction, many people experience (consciously or unconsciously) what is now recognized as ecological or climate grief and anxiety.
Climate Counseling is supports people as we face the reality of climate change and its consequences, feel what we need to feel, and discern and fulfill our vocation as changemakers.
Climate Counseling employs an interdisciplinary approach integrating deep listening, compassion, mindfulness, guided meditation, and spiritual companionship.
Rates & Details
Cost: A sliding scale of $50-125/hour, depending on means.
Location: Fred can see fully vaccinated counselees in his North Cambridge home. Sessions at another site or via Zoom or telephone can also be arranged.
To learn more and book a session: Contact Fred at fsmall@uuma.org.